Bob Evans Farms Foundation Charitable Giving Policy
Bob Evans Farms is a company with a lot of heart. Our spirit of giving began long ago with our founder, Bob Evans. His generosity and passion for helping others set the foundation for the work we do today.
It’s this real and heartfelt connection between our employees and communities that makes the difference – it’s why we refer to these programs collectively as Hearts & Hands.
As a community and family-focused company, we support many causes that impact individuals, families, and the communities where they live through food donations, monetary giving, and volunteerism.
Our giving aligns with our five philanthropy pillars:
• Community – supporting organizations and programs that help advance a community
• Health & Wellness – organizations that provide research or support to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle
• Food & Nutrition – hunger relief programs
• Education – supporting organizations, schools, and groups that provide resources to help students succeed
• Military – support for active duty, veterans and their families
The impact of our giving is reviewed annually to ensure continued alignment with internal goals and the needs of the community. This impact is reported in our bi-annual giving report, found on our company website, and through other internal and external communication channels. We are committed to transparency in our giving. Additionally, we take careful consideration of our DE&I commitment to ensure our giving is inclusive and non-discriminatory.
How we provide support:
Financial Donations – All Bob Evans Farms locations will leverage strategic partnerships with nonprofit organizations. Requests for financial considerations will go through an application and approval process. This process is done quarterly, and requesters will be given a timeline for a final response upon receipt.
Food product donations – We have a growing relationship with Feeding America partner food banks and specifically a long-term relationship with Mid-Ohio Food Collective. Our priority is to contribute to these organizations first. Requests to consider donations to other food banks or organizations will be based on supply and will go through an approval process. Please include “Food Donation Request” in the subject line of your request. Requests should be made at least 30 days in advance.
Volunteer Support – Where possible, Bob Evans Farms is happy to support nonprofits by volunteering time or participating in collection drives to support the organization.
All inquiries can be sent to You will receive a response within 5-7 business days.
Bob Evans Farms adheres to the highest ethical principles and practices and abides by all state and federal laws governing philanthropy. Organizations that Bob Evans Farms supports financially through the Foundation must have a 501 tax-exempt status and align with the Bob Evans Farms charitable pillars.
Types of philanthropic organizations the Foundation is unable to support:
• Organizations headquartered outside the United States
• Organizations that discriminate based on race, gender, religion, national origin, age, handicap, sexual orientation or veteran status
• Organizations that might pose a conflict with Bob Evans Farms mission and values
• Groups or organizations that will re-grant the foundation’s gifts to other organizations or individuals
• Religious organizations that serve only their denomination
• Political parties or candidates
• Direct or individual scholarships
• Athletic teams, venues, or sports sponsorships
• GoFundMe or other crowdfunding platforms
• Organizations without a valid 501 tax-exempt status and all required regulatory filings
For questions, please contact

As a community- and family-focused company, we support many causes that impact families with children and the communities where they live through food donations, monetary giving and volunteerism.
Please review our Annual Giving Report for full details. Email us at to request more information on our charitable giving policy.